Spring 2022

We’ve been absent from our Starvation Acres for all too long. Visiting in winter is complicated when one is not there to keep the snow plowed from the driveway. However, spring has arrived and the snow has melted. Seeds should be sprouting and leaves unfurling beginning right now. Deer and wild turkey will soon be browsing in front of our cameras. In another month, fawns will start to show themselves. As happens in nature; bears, coyotes, and wolves will follow the fawns.

Three deer in our 'deer alley' meadow.
Two doe and a buck in “deer alley”

Deer and wild turkey browsing together in “deer alley”

During the past autumn, we did some planting and are very eager to see the results of that. We sowed chicory with white clover to create a small food plot for the deer and planted several black elderberry bushes. The elderberry we hope to harvest for ourselves. The plan is to plant ‘starts’ for blue elderberry on our next visit. Wild sunflowers have already been planted at the top of our very long driveway. Finally, rhubarb root was transplanted to the acres!

4 Replies to “Spring 2022”

  1. Butch Post author

    I didn’t mention that we made a morel slurry last year and spread it around in hopes of one day having a private morel patch. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jaime

    I love that they are eating together๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿฆƒ๐ŸฆŒ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒป

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